Application Tracking Software

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Our Recruitment Product

Techizz Application Tracking System

Techizz ATS is a web application which eases the Human Resource Department to work swiftly in the organization.

The ATS is authorized by 3 types of users namely Recruiter, Manager and Administrator. Of the three, Recruiter and Manager have customized roles and activities throughout the system whereas Admin remains as default role of the system.

These three types of users interact with three types of modules of the system namely Candidates, Jobs and Corporates. The work flow of the system depends on these modules.

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Our Core Values


We strive to become a responsible corporate citizen in the countries we operate.


We understand our customers have a choice and we highly value that they chose us.


We focus on successful teams and identify them with successful results.


We respect communication based on promptness, clarity and accuracy.

Joomla! Debug Console


Profile Information

Memory Usage

Database Queries