Overview of VAT in the UAE

GCC (Gulf Co-operation Council) countries have agreed ‘in principle’ to the GCC VAT Agreement to levy VAT (Value Added Tax) in the region. This will help the region to reduce their dependence on oil and other hydrocarbon products as a source of revenue. It is agreed by all the GCC countries that VAT will be introduced in every country latest by 1st January 2019. However, UAE decided to implement VAT likely w.e.f 1st January 2018.

We believe the decision to implement VAT would cause a paradigm shift in the business dynamics of the country as well as the region. Like most of the countries across the world, businesses in the Gulf region also will now have to adhere to stringent VAT regulatory and statutory compliances and report the same on a periodic basis. The challenge for the business community in the Gulf will be to understand the new VAT Law and implement the same well before the due date.

VAT is one of the most common types of consumption tax found around the world. Over 150 countries have implemented VAT. It includes the European Union (EU), UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, India etc. USA, GCC countries and some other countries, especially from African continents, have not introduced VAT.

Awareness programs & Training:

We organize awareness programs on VAT in the UAE and GCC VAT Agreement by the Tax experts for.

  • Business owners.
  • Accountants, Auditors, and other Finance Professionals.
  • Corporates.

VAT Implementation training for the Corporates as well as for group of professionals.

Based on the organizational structure and need of the management and accounts & finance department, we provide training on Value Added Tax (VAT) to all the personnel of the organization who are coming under VAT compliance chain. The training to finance and accounts and IT personnel are in detail for applying the VAT concepts and for clarifying the procedural formalities required for complying the requirements. Training for managerial and other departments level are made for giving proper awareness of VAT structure and overall VAT compliance requirements.

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Our Recruitment Product

Techizz Application Tracking System

Techizz ATS is a web application which eases the Human Resource Department to work swiftly in the organization.

The ATS is authorized by 3 types of users namely Recruiter, Manager and Administrator. Of the three, Recruiter and Manager have customized roles and activities throughout the system whereas Admin remains as default role of the system.

These three types of users interact with three types of modules of the system namely Candidates, Jobs and Corporates. The work flow of the system depends on these modules.

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