Application Tracking Software

IT support for business is the term for a comprehensive package of services that covers all needs and requirements a modern business may have in relation to information technology. These services may include IT infrastructure support and maintenance, data safety and computer security services, email server administration, proprietary software development and application maintenance, electronic data exchange and documentation processing support, webmastering, computer training services for the staff, and other types of IT assistance. In fact, it would be difficult to imagine a modern business not using any kind of IT support in its operation.

Hire VS Contract

15-20 years ago even small businesses used to have on the team an IT computer support specialist who was typically a jack of all trades. Nowadays, fewer and fewer corporations still have an IT department, whereas most companies opt to get more versatile and all-inclusive 24/7 IT support from specialized business IT support providers. This makes perfect sense: a dedicated computer firm working on an IT support contract simply has more resources and knowledge than an in-house team, and often costs less.

Our IT Support Services in Dubai and Across UAE

If you are looking for IT support in Dubai, our company will gladly provide just that. We offer a wide range of IT support services Dubai businesses may require. Our team members are seasoned professionals ready to use their collective versatility and expertise to solve any computer problems you may have – while bringing you the best value. We always strive to form a lasting business relationship with each client and, in addition to one-time projects and emergency aid, provide plenty of ongoing IT support services, such as network administration, PC performance monitoring, and advising the clients' employees on the subject of best user practices.

Some of our IT support services:

For a broad array of tasks we offer, you can count on our IT support Dubai-based company.

Our Recruitment Product

Techizz Application Tracking System

Techizz ATS is a web application which eases the Human Resource Department to work swiftly in the organization.

The ATS is authorized by 3 types of users namely Recruiter, Manager and Administrator. Of the three, Recruiter and Manager have customized roles and activities throughout the system whereas Admin remains as default role of the system.

These three types of users interact with three types of modules of the system namely Candidates, Jobs and Corporates. The work flow of the system depends on these modules.

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Our Core Values


We strive to become a responsible corporate citizen in the countries we operate.


We understand our customers have a choice and we highly value that they chose us.


We focus on successful teams and identify them with successful results.


We respect communication based on promptness, clarity and accuracy.

Joomla! Debug Console


Profile Information

Memory Usage

Database Queries